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Protecting Sales Ledger

Bad Debt Protection 800 533 Invoice Finance Connect

Bad Debt Protection


There will always be the odd occasion where a payment doesn’t arrive on time no matter how strong your credit control policies are. This can be due to a number of reasons which are out of your control.

Bad debt cover offers businesses protection from the risk of bad debts and in turn offers a business owner peace of mind if the unfortunate event arrives where a debtor fails to pay or goes in to liquidation.

There are many different credit insurance options available which can be tailored to your business’s needs. Maybe you need protection against your entire debtor book, single debtors or key customers who have bad credit history or they may have placed an order which carries a high value.

International cover is also an option for companies who trade with overseas customers.

Bad debt protection can be bolted on to an existing invoice finance facility and is a welcome addition as it provides the lender with additional comfort when they review their risk.

If you feel that debtor protection could help your business and would like more information, please contact us on 01635 283089 or email to discuss your options.

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